Since Ages Nature has been Human’s Friend & Caretaker. Apart from Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Plants & Trees have always been Human’s base of survival. In Aromatherapy essential oils are used in holistic treatments to help improve their physical & emotional wellbeing. History of Essential oils goes back to 2000 BC. In Bible, Ramayan, Greeks, Roman, Egypt, there has been various descriptions about the usage of herbs, plants leaves, oils, roots, flowers in various way of healing. Traditional form of Ayurveda uses essential oils to heal the body and mind & to promote health & vitality through massage & pressure points.
– Essential oils cross blood barrier wall it penetrates into cell to kill viruses & bacteria. It doesn’t get deposited in fat when you apply; but it penetrates deeply into the molecular level.
– Essential oils are the true essence of plant, hence the word essential.
– Essential oil is natural, non-oily, the fragrant essence extracted from different parts of aromatic plants.
– Essential oils can work wonders in raising your immunity & thereby helps you to fight against many viruses also.
– Essential oils help in overcoming the depression & mental stress. It gives a way out for accumulated emotions stored out of past impressions.
– Essential oils have the capacity to correct & align your chakras.
Always follow the specific instructions provided by Top essential oils for aromatherapy, by Celestta Life’s for their Body Massage Oil, as they may have unique recommendations for use and application. Adjust the amount of oil and pressure based on personal preference and comfort. Also check Celestta Life offers different essential oils for body detox, sleep, and many more, if you wanna explore them, check out our website today and grab your healthcare essentials today!