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SKU: 006 Category: Tag:
Peace is a soothing blend of Sweet Orange, Roman Chamomile, Lavender, and Geranium essential oils, combined in Sweet Almond Oil. This gentle blend promotes a serene mind, calming the heart and lifting the spirit, leaving you with a soft, happy feeling of inner tranquility.


Sweet Orange: Uplifts both mind and body, bringing peace and happiness while supporting emotional balance. It helps overcome sadness and brings joy to the heart.
Roman Chamomile: With its sweet, calming aroma, Roman Chamomile helps balance emotions, relaxes the mind, and encourages restful sleep, making it perfect for emotional well-being.
Lavender: A natural stress reliever, Lavender’s calming scent helps relax the mind and body. It’s a tonic for the heart, soothing stress and restoring emotional harmony.
Geranium: Known for its ability to release negative emotions, Geranium helps reduce anxiety and stress. It uplifts the spirit, combating feelings of depression and mental toxicity.


Place 4-5 drops of Peace blend into your palms, rub them together to create warmth, and inhale deeply for 3-5 breaths. This method will instantly promote calm and emotional balance.

Disclaimer: Please have a patch test done before using any product. If you’re allergic to natural products or fragrances, please avoid using it.


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